Twin Flame Guidance
Jul 4, 20243 min read
Powerful inner work - to connect with your twin flame
Mirror Work: Reflecting Your Inner World Understanding the Mirror When you notice traits in your twin flame that you dislike, consider...
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Twin Flame Guidance
Oct 2, 20233 min read
How The Akashic Records Help Twin Flames
Love is undoubtedly one of the most profound and complex aspects of human existence. And a twin flame relationship makes it even more so....
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Twin Flame Guidance
Jul 20, 20232 min read
Can you Feel Your Twin Flame?
The guy on YouTube says "you can't feel your twin flame," with such assurance. "You never feel him. You're making it up." So you begin...
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Twin Flame Guidance
May 27, 20233 min read
17 Signs You Have Met Your Twin Flame
Is this a twin flame relationship? How do I know if I've met my twin flame? I get this question ALL the time. Below I have listed 17...
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Twin Flame Guidance
Mar 10, 20232 min read
The 4 possibilities for your twin flame future
You found that you have a twin flame. Now what? There are 4 possibilities.... 1) You remain in the runner / chaser dynamic . Never really...
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Twin Flame Guidance
Mar 1, 20222 min read
Divine Feminine / Divine Masculine Shiva-Shakti
I'm writing this on a special day. Today is the day said to be the darkest night of the year _not the longest, that's in December, but...
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Twin Flame Guidance
Dec 26, 20212 min read
Get the twin flame runner to become the chaser
Get the runner to become the chaser? This may be easier than it sounds! Let's imagine the idea of a playground. If you're running after...
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Twin Flame Guidance
Dec 26, 20211 min read
A Prayer to Meet Your Twin Flame
Take a moment to imagine being in your ideal relationship. Let this energy fill your cells. This is an important part of the prayer...
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Twin Flame Guidance
Dec 25, 20213 min read
When you Have That STRONG NEED to Reach Out to Your Twin
The holidays and their birthday can be times when we really want to reach out to our twin. After all, wouldn't it be so beautiful to have...
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Twin Flame Guidance
Dec 4, 20212 min read
How to Drive Yourself CRAZY as a Twin Flame
Is he thinking of me? Did I say the wrong thing? Is he with someone else? Who is she…. Is she prettier than me? Does he even care about...
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Twin Flame Guidance
Dec 1, 20213 min read
What is a Twin Flame? by LIORA ©
And her book!!!!!! link to get it 😉 What is a Twin Flame? by LIORA © 1/29/ What is a Twin Flame? by LIORA ©
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Twin Flame Guidance
Nov 30, 20214 min read
The 7 stages of twin flame chaser emotions
No twin flame experiences loss of their twin (running) in the same way, however it's very likely you'll experience the emotions below....
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Twin Flame Guidance
Oct 21, 20212 min read
Tapping for Twin Flames
Tapping is a powerful tool for transforming emotions, and it's a lifesaver on the twin flame journey. Tapping reduces stress by tapping...
1,350 views0 comments

Twin Flame Guidance
Sep 12, 20212 min read
Avoid Online Readings during Twin Flame Separation (Here's Why)
Addicted to online readings? I was there too. 2-3 readings a day. Trying to figure out: When will he reach out? How does he feel? ...
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Twin Flame Guidance
Jul 26, 20212 min read
Reasons why Twin Flame Runner lies to You
Lying often comes up on the twin flame journey. Whether it's the little white lies you tell- "I'm not upset," to the one that cuts deep:...
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Twin Flame Guidance
Jun 24, 20211 min read
Never Abandon YOUR Wisdom to the Twin Flame "Gurus"
You'll find a lot of gurus on the twin flame journey. Popular twin flame teachers who have never actually met their twin flame on planet...
398 views0 comments

Twin Flame Guidance
Jun 24, 20213 min read
Should I Tell My Twin Flame that He's My Twin?
Ahhh. This is a common question. The short answer is no. It can backfire and it’s so useful to know the reasons! Look at your...
3,235 views0 comments

Twin Flame Guidance
May 4, 20212 min read
What does meeting your twin flame ignite?
Meeting your twin flame is a life altering event. This person opens our heart in ways that no one has ever done before. Our world is...
1,100 views0 comments

Twin Flame Guidance
May 4, 20212 min read
Recurring Numbers 555, 777, etc: How are they relevant to Twin Flame Journey?
One of the most common things Twin Flames report is seeing triple or quadruple numbers. This can be one of the signs for Twin Flames,...
1,607 views1 comment

Twin Flame Guidance
Apr 30, 20214 min read
The runner/chaser dynamic: 10 reasons why the twin flame runner runs
The runner chaser dynamic. There is so much information out on the web about the runner chaser phase of the twin flame connection… Some...
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