Twin Flame Relationships are NOT Regular Relationships
Become Empowered with...
Twin Flame Guidance
You've met your twin flame and it was blissful, but now you're crying because they ran?
Like a big sister, I'm here with advice. I'll help you know what to do and what not to, what to say, and what not to, so you take the practical and energetic actions that get you to union.
Traditional coaches work for traditional relationships. But twin flame connections have different challenges. I will help you navigate them.
You can have Bliss, Expansion, Healing, Unconditional Love.

About Me
Twin. Certified Transformative Coach. Shamanic Energy Healer

When I met my twin flame, my world turned upside down. It was magical to be with him. Yummy. Effortless connection. A mutual sense of "you really get me." And-- I couldn't understand why I was attracted to an overweight man 22 years older than me. I was married, after all.
Become Energetically Aligned
to Divine Love
Most people go through their whole lives experiencing only a fraction of the love they are capable of receiving, sharing and embracing. You have opportunity for another possibility.
In our time together, we have the freedom to do ANY of the things below,
using the tools I have acquired over the past 16 years of doing shamanic healings,
intuitive readings, and coaching for thousands of people.
You do not need to choose what we will do right now.
We will tailor all sessions to your unique needs!

Twin Alignment
Is your twin running? Or have you just had a massive trigger moment?
Do you feel them from afar, and it's devastating or depressing?
Get help. It can be easier!

Unwind the Knots in the Akashic Records
☆Through an akashic record reading, we can access and clear deeply rooted patterns that may be creating challenges in your life and twin flame connection.
☆Get insights from a personal reading that will give insight and heal old stuck patterns and energies that other therapy and methodologies don't seem to touch. If you've had lots of readings and sessions from other people but they don't seem to change things, this may be just what you need to create the shift.
☆And, you'll receive a bonus recording that will take you through the journey anytime you wish to access the records and receive a deep healing.

Energy Clearing
☆When your twin flame connection is blocked, it shows that your energy is blocked. One of the keys to coming into alignment, and ultimately Union is releasing the energy blocks so your energy comes into harmony & aligns to love.
The universe is always working to bring you together – but if you have blocks in your system it takes longer, or may not even happen.
☆This is why so many twins get stuck for years in cycles of separation – because the underlying blocks aren’t fully cleared or resolved. I will help you identify + clear the blocks that are preventing your union and to give you powerful tools and techniques to come into energetic alignment.
☆These sessions will help you become well-versed at handling issues whenever they arise.

I'm here for you.
Schedule a Session
+ be in touch Here.

"Kathryn saw into the energetic dynamics between my twin and immediately upon the opening of our session together. She guided me, and asked me questions to help me tap into my own innate knowing of my Divine Twine’s desire and intensions, before clearing energetic cords between our chakras that were not contributing to our union.
I received multiple channeled messages from my twin’s higher self that reassured me and put me at ease. My twin is a runner, but in the weeks following my work with Kathryn, my twin reached out to me.
In this time we have had some of the most balanced, vulnerable and healthy communication that we have EVER had in the 4 years since we met - Without triggering each other!
I feel more deeply connected to my own higher self, sure of my twins intentions and optimistic about the future after working with Kathryn.
I consider her a reply intuitive, loving and vulnerable resource, and I will definitely be back for more!!"